Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon Review

This was the second Nancy Drew game I've ever played (first was Secret of the Old Clock) and this one still remains my favorite! Definitely worth . I'm going to split my review up into different sections so I can give the game a more accurate rating.

PLOT - 5/5: Nancy is invited by socialite Lori Girard to ride West on a historic train in hopes of solving a centuries old mystery. Basically, a rich man named Jake Hurley supposedly left a huge treasure somewhere, only nobody has ever been able to put together all of the clues he left and find it - thats where you, as Nancy, come in. Cause she can solve anything, right? Right. This is a commonly used plot in the ND series, but it was very well executed by Her Interactive. There is the perfect balance of mystery, romance, excitement, history, a bit of spookiness, humor - just about everything you could ask for. A good Nancy Drew game is nothing without a good plot, and this plot ranks up there among the best!

CHARACTERS - 5/5: The characters in this game are a huge improvement over the lackluster characters in SOTOC #12. Each one has their own personality and they're all fun to interact with. Lori Girard is a ditsy socialite who's desperate for attention, Charleena Purcell is a big time romance writer who we met in Secret of Shadow Ranch (She's a little annoying IMO), John Grey is the host of ghost chaser show, but his character doesn't really do anything, Tino Balducci is a hot-shot detective who got his big break when he just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and Frank and Joe Hardy are, as always, fun to talk to and very helpful. My favorite character in this game was Fatima from the gift shop - she was soo funny! "It's FATIMA, with an F, none of that freaky PH stuff!" Hahahahaah!

SETTING - 5/5: The train was very beautiful. Very antique and a bit creepy at times, it fit the time period when it was built perfectly. All of the train cars were really well done. The gift shop and Copper Gorge was nice, too. The morgue was bit creepy - as it should be, but there wasn't much to explore there. And the desert at the end was very life-like. You could tell that a lot of work was put into this game. I only wish that there was more to explore at Copper Gorge, but we can't have everything I guess.

PUZZLES - 4.5/5: The puzzles in this game were alot harder than the last one. Which is good, cause the last game was pretty easy. Some of the puzzles were really easy and repetitive (all those pipes!), and some were really complicated. Plus there were some puzzles that were really simple but just hard to do. It was a good balance between easy and hard. I used a walkthrough for this game alot more than the last game, because some of the puzzles (like those dolls) were just too confusing for me. But overall the puzzles were really good!

IS IT CHALLENGING?: Yes, especially the first time you play it. On a scale of 1 to 5, I'd give it a 4, but if you're really good at puzzles it might not be so hard for you.

ENDING - 5/5: I'd say that the maze at the end is pretty easy, but the memorizing part (for me, at least) was challenging. I died more than a few times trying to figure it out. But the culprit was really unexpected and had an interesting motive. The escape at the end was like a roller coaster, I just thought it was awesome! Very well done!

Final Score:
Plot: 5
Characters: 5
Setting: 5
Puzzles: 4.5
Challenge: 4
Ending: 5
= 28.5 divided by 6 = 4.75 rounded to 5 stars

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon Feature

  • Find secrets in the train’s caboose, dining car, master suite
  • Meet Frank and Joe Hardy as animated characters
  • Play pachinko, sort heirloom dolls, and be a short order cook
  • Explore a crypt, mining museum, and Jake’s mine
  • New camera cell phone for taking pictures and calling for hints

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon Overview

The Hardy Boys have invited, you, as Nancy Drew, on a train ride out West hosted by beautiful and prominent socialite, Lori Girard. Lori has gathered the greatest minds in mystery to solve a century-old secret and the haunted train is their best clue. The luxurious train once belonged to Jake Hurley, a wealthy adventurer, on a journey to find the mother lode during mining mania. Shortly after the trip began, Jake's wife, Camille met an untimely end. Although her death broke his heart, Jake pressed on. Many years passed, and one day, Jake's train was found in Blue Moon Canyon with the engineer slumped over in the car - dead. No one knows what happened to Jake... Climb aboard as Nancy Drew and see if you can uncover the truth at the end of the line!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 07, 2010 17:45:16

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